Hartford Soldiers Field veterans’ cemetery was dedicated on November 11, 1928.
Hartford Soldiers’ Field lies in Northwood Cemetery on the fringes of Hartford. This veterans’ cemetery was dedicated on November 11, 1928. Nearly 5,000 veterans from the Philippine insurrection, Spanish American War, Mexican Border Campaign, World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam rest in Hartford Soldiers’ Field.

“We really appreciate our veterans being taken well care of.”
~ Mary Lorrent
“We will never forget, and Hartford Soldiers Field is helping us serve as a constant reminder, thank you.”
~ Mrs. Maria Shephard
“This is a superb way to showcase those who fought and died for their country.”
~ Mr. Ernest Dan
Who & where we are?
On Memorial Day, 1990, Boy Scout Troop 105 held a rededication ceremony for this nearly forgotten veterans’ memorial. The rededication activities included a wreath laying ceremony at the memorial monument and the placement of a U.S. flag on each veteran’s grave. Funding for the rededication was raised by the Scouts of Troop 105 from the Hartford community. Troop 105 continually honors our veterans in the same manner each year because of the generous donations collected from individuals and organizations with vested interest in honoring the men and women who served their country. Through this yearly service project, the young men of Troop 105 have grown to respect the sacrifices made by veterans for the sake of our freedom.
Anthony Grey Jr.
Phone: +860 249 5808
Anthony Grey Jr.
Funeral Assistant
With plenty of experience serving cemeteries, Mr Grey puts extra care for those here at Hartford’s Veteran one.